Saturday was the team’s second day at the Conaspeh facility in Port Au Prince. Glen and George taught the seminary students again. Kara and Pat taught the nursing students for the second days as well. The balance of the team toured the facility and visited with students and staff.
The afternoon was committed to visiting an orphanage about an hour and a half outside Port Au Prince. Upon arrival we were introduced to the staff and children. The children ranged in age from 1 to 16 and totaled 48. Our team delivered toys, clothing and gifts to the children and then had about an hour to play, visit and interact with the kids and staff.
We were made aware of the need for funding for chalkboards and benches to allow the orphanage to bring in many local children for schooling. Those funds were gathered from among the team and were presented to the staff.
As we have made a practice each day, the team gathered in the evening at the guesthouse and regrouped. We checked in on each other, visited about the day, and shared prayer together. Sleep came quickly for many.
-Your team