You see the walker in this photo? You made it possible for this woman to have that walker.
We met this woman during the first of our two Nicaragua missions this year, the February adult trip. She lived in a remote cluster of houses alongside the dirt road that we traveled daily to get to the village where we staffed a medical clinic and helped build a community center. Our North Carolina mission partners had discovered this woman’s condition the week before we arrived. As they were leaving the village one afternoon, a tree had fallen across the road right at this cluster of homes. While folks were clearing the way, the North Carolina missionaries got off the bus to visit. Someone directed them to the woman’s home where they found her recovering from a broken leg. (Anyone see the hand of God in all this?!)
While this woman was in the city one day a car hit her. The break was severe, so the hospital put a rod in her leg and sent her home – with only over-the-counter pain medications and no walker. She was sitting – a lot – and hobbling around her house with the aid of neighbor children who would let her lean on them – like human crutches.
Our North Carolina partners cared for her daily and asked us to follow up when we took their place at the clinic. Our team dressed her wound, purchased medications, provided physical therapy instructions – and bought her this walker. Needless to say, she was grateful for the health care but beyond that, our presence assured her that she was our beloved sister in Christ. Our mission tangibly responded to Jesus’ instruction, “Heal the sick and say to them, ‘The Kingdom of God has come near to you.’” (Luke 10:9)
In whatever ways you have directly or indirectly supported our 11 years of Nicaragua missions – praying, donating, traveling to Nicaragua – you are a part of this story. Our Collection Connection this month focuses on our Nicaraguan mission and we invite you to prayerfully consider increasing your participation. Donate a toothbrush (or a case) to be distributed through our clinic. Make a cash donation to purchase medicine and equipment (like walkers). Pray that our members and friends (and maybe you?) will respond to Jesus’ call and join us on our mission February 18-25, 2017.