Join or Support our Nicaragua Mission Team
Learn how you can join us in Nicaragua or help with the ramp-up to our mission, Feb. 24-Mar. 4, 2018.
Learn how you can join us in Nicaragua or help with the ramp-up to our mission, Feb. 24-Mar. 4, 2018.
Are you looking for an inspiring and affordable mission opportunity in a country where we have an established and successful local partner? If so, start saving your spare change and vacation days and plan to join us on our Nicaragua Mission in February 2018. We will focus on health and medical needs Read More...
Mission trips to India and Nicaragua are scheduled for early 2018.
Think about having one toothbrush, ever. For your whole life. Just one. Often this is the case for people in Nicaragua. For the last 11 years, our church has sent a mission team to Nicaragua to serve in areas of health care and community development. This month’s Collection Connection supports our Read More...
You see the walker in this photo? You made it possible for this woman to have that walker. We met this woman during the first of our two Nicaragua missions this year, the February adult trip. She lived in a remote cluster of houses alongside the dirt road that we traveled Read More...