There is deep gratitude in my heart for the opportunity to lead our outreach and mission programs here in Kansas City and throughout the world. Your leadership, wisdom, and mentorship has left a lasting impression on myself as a person and professional. Thank you for all the ways you helped to shape and mold me in my ministry.
We are grateful to Corey for all the ways he has strengthened our relationships in the Northeast part of Kansas City through grants and partnerships and for his pastoral leadership in worship and many other ways. Stay tuned for the ways we will celebrate his ministry among us.
Beginning June 15, Rev. Catherine Stark Corn will expand her portfolio to include local missions and all missions grants as well as continuing her work with children and family ministry. Rev. Tyler Heston will serve as staff to adult mission trips and become the leader of Roots, our young adult ministry. April Booth will increase her hours for children/family ministry and reduce her hours in administration.