Peter, writing to the church two thousand years ago, instructs, “Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it.  Love makes up for practically anything” (1 Peter 4:8, The Message).  

Have you ever noticed how strong love is when things are tough, when your life really does depend on it? I had a scary car wreck over a year ago. I spent the night in the hospital.  The doctors treating me had serious concerns about what had happened to me.  I will never forget how amazingly wonderful it was to have my wife there holding my hand, telling me she loved me.  All the tests the next day revealed that all was fine and their concerns were lifted but that moment, that incendiary moment when we held hands and spoke words of love is forever written across my soul.

Peter goes on: “Be gracious with the different things God gave you…if words, let it be God’s words; if help, let it be God’s hearty help.”  This is very good advice! It applies to every area of our lives whether it is family, work, school or church.  When we are gracious with all that we have, we find the joy is a reality in our everyday lives.

This is why we worship God.  We come here to remind ourselves of God’s gracious love for us and to remind ourselves that our singular command is to love others as we love God.  

Worship is about giving us the place to express our joy and gratitude for life itself.  As stewards of grace, we are invited to see the world through God’s eyes.  

John Ortberg says, “We are to worship God not because God’s ego needs it, but because without worship, our experience and enjoyment of God are not complete.  We worship God not so much because God needs it, but because we do.”

He’s right.  I’ll see you in church!

Grace and Peace to you,
