Board members – The personnel committee met this week (12/13) to review existing church procedures, consider past experiences, and determine the process for recruiting the new Sr. Minister.  The group agreed as an immediate next step to form a discernment committee who will engage in conversation with the congregation during the month of January.  The discernment committee will determine when and where these conversations take place ensuring everyone has an opportunity to participate.  These conversations will focus on one key objective:  to gather input from our members regarding the desired profile for our next Senior Minister.

I am pleased to share that the following members have agreed to serve in this capacity, and who the personnel committee feels represent the diversity of our congregation:

  • Elvin Knight – Chair, Elder
  • Mary Dibble – Elder, At large
  • Dan Jensen – Elder, At large
  • Amy Rose –Elder, Board
  • Matt Moeder – At large
  • Amy Holmes – Elder, Personnel committee
  • Betsy Wilson – Elder, Personnel committee, Board, past Elder chair

Also for your knowledge, an interim Sr. Minister is not being pursued at this time and Rev. Carla Aday, Executive Minister will continue to supervise the staff upon Glen’s departure.  Additionally, guest preacher(s) will be arranged for the next few months to ensure the congregation continues to receive the high quality message they are accustom to on Sunday mornings.