One of my all-time favorite movies is “The Blues Brothers,” starring John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd. They are ex-convicts who have put together a blues band in order to raise money for an orphanage. They are total losers. They seem to mess up at every opportunity.  Any time anyone asks them what they are doing they say, “We are on a mission from God.”  That line is repeated throughout the film. These are the two least likely people to go on a mission from God.  

John Ortberg reminds us that is the central message of the Bible.  God chooses the least likely persons, like you and me, to go out into the world with the good news of God’s unconditional love for all.  We may not be as messed up as the Blues Brothers but if we’re honest we will have to admit – all of us – that we’ve got something that isn’t quite right. And yet, God looks at you and me and says, “I need your help to get the word on love out to everyone.”

A few years ago we hosted a conference for the senior ministers of the 40 largest churches in our denomination. One of them, a great preacher, told us a story.  During his second year of seminary he got a C- on a mid-term exam in his toughest course.  He was overwhelmed by the class.  It seemed over his head.  Dejected, he went to the professor and said, “I’m ready to quit.  I just don’t get it. I need to drop out.”  The professor practically jumped out of his chair, and shouted, “NO! Don’t you realize that you have a gift? Every member of this faculty who has had you in class has commented on your gift for preaching and your clear and obvious calling for ministry.  We’ll help you with the academics, don’t worry about that. It is our job, but don’t you dare run away from your call!”

I resonate with that story. Maybe you do too. One of the biggest fears every preacher faces, and maybe all of us face, is the fear of being discovered as far less than perfect. Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep that fact hidden. It’s pointless, really, because the good news of the Bible demands that we give our whole selves to God, even the ugly and less than perfect stuff, so that God can transform us into agents of grace and hope.

I bought a black “Blues Brothers” style suit the other day. I need a hat and some sunglasses. I’m ready to keep going on this great mission before us.  We’ve got good news to share. You don’t have to be a preacher, you don’t have to be a writer, you don’t even have to be perfect (thank God!).  All you need is the willingness to trust in the simple truth that God, as revealed in Jesus Christ, loves you and everybody else.

Grace and peace to you,