This week praying has not only brought me to a more attentive view of my food, but to those with whom I ate.  I had “one of those days” where no matter what I said or did I was wrong.  At the end of the day a friend texted me a list of food he was planning on making that evening.  I responded with “I can’t…it wasn’t a great day, I just want to be alone.” I got home from the day put on my sweats and began to read my book.  Within five minutes of this solitude I realized that I was being an idiot. It was an awful day and I was turning down people who were willing to take care of me.  I immediately changed my clothes and went over to my friend’s house. Around the table was an adorable baby who wanted to play with me, friends who were making my meal, and a makeshift family that held my hand as I prayed a thanksgiving for the food.

Christians, uniquely ,believe in a God that comes to us in flesh daily. This God works through friends holding our hands while praying and in the gifts of receiving and sharing food.  I didn’t reach my goal of praying for every single meal I ate…but I did learn how to appreciate those with whom I share meals more. The love that is God is revealed to me in the person who is serving me my wine with dinner, the person with whom I share a pizza before we run out and see a movie, or the family that invites me in. Every Sunday we gather at the table to strive to see God in the others who we are called to welcome and to serve, and we are also called to be humble enough to allow ourselves to be welcomed and served by them.  To all those I have shared a meal with, thank you for showing me the love of God.