By Elizabeth Pfalzgraf, Assistant Director of Children and Student Ministries

Ash Wednesday holds an additional purpose in our Student Ministry; the start of Pastors’ Class for our 6th graders! Through the season of Lent, these students, along with their faith mentors, meet each Wednesday night to gain a deeper understanding of faith and what it means to them. A new topic is covered each week including Faith and Communion, led by Dr. Mike Graves, Faith and Baptism led by Rev. Joe Walker, Faith and Communion led by Rev. Catherine Stark-Corn, and Rev. Carla will bring it all together for the final session on Faith Statements and Preparing for Baptism.

While these sessions are outlined to provide theological formation for our 6th graders, they also includes time for fellowship and for them to “get their wiggles out” as I put modestly for previous Pastors’ Classes.  (Yes, 8th graders, this might include your class, yes I still love each one of you!) This fellowship is also an important part of our time together as the relationships that are built, we hope, are sustainable for a life-long connection to their faith, our church and each other. We love hearing stories at Senior Brunch about their time together in Pastors’ Class and seeing all the fun pictures that make their senior slide show.

On Palm Sunday, as these students make the choice to become baptized in the presence of their church, their family and their friends, I urge you to listen to their faith statements as they are read aloud, and join me in welcoming them to what we hope to be just the beginning of their faith journey.