Country Club Christian Church

Glory – Mike Graves

Luke 2:8-12 It never fails when we take a group to Israel, we spot shepherds watching their sheep. Not by night, as Luke tells it, because we’re always in bed early, exhausted by the day’s activities. But every group we’ve taken has seen them. Usually it’s Bedouins, nomadic people of Arab descent, Read More...

2019-12-16T14:19:10-06:00December 23, 2019|Categories: 2019 Advent Devotions|

Angels – Lara Schopp

Luke 2:13-14 At first, one of the baby angels hid behind her mother. Her older sisters were laughing and admiring one another’s wings, but this particular angel was nervous, brow furrowed; skeptical. A new angel family arrived, bringing more commotion and excitement, dancing and singing; waving of golden star wands and tousling Read More...

2019-12-17T13:35:48-06:00December 18, 2019|Categories: 2019 Advent Devotions|

Wilderness – Tyler Heston

Mark 1:1-3 Did you know the traditional Christmas story is only found in two of the four Gospels in the New Testament? The elements that make up the common nativity scene come from Matthew and Luke; Mark and John cut to the chase and begin with Jesus’ ministry. However, Mark’s introduction, its Read More...

2019-12-16T13:57:32-06:00December 16, 2019|Categories: 2019 Advent Devotions|

Time – Corey Meyer

Romans 13:11-14 You know what time it is! Right now, as I write, my phone, watch, laptop, and clock on the office phone are displaying the time. At this very moment in Kansas City it is 2:13 p.m. At least, that is what the scientists, astronomers, and engineers of technology have all Read More...

2019-12-12T11:19:38-06:00December 12, 2019|Categories: 2019 Advent Devotions|

God Is with Us – Tyler Heston

Matthew 1:18-25 At the end of this passage, Joseph suddenly seems brave, awaking with resolution. Matthew describes Joseph as righteous and obedient, but we may add afraid. His fiancée, with whom he intended to start a family, is already with child. This will bring social disgrace, even from family and friends, but Joseph plans to Read More...

2019-12-05T09:18:59-06:00December 5, 2019|Categories: 2019 Advent Devotions|

Parenting – Joe Walker

Luke 1:26-35 “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.” Recently a young couple confided to me that they were trying to have a baby. Of course, I offered the traditional congratulatory affirmations and thanked them for letting me share in their anticipatory excitement. Read More...

2019-12-04T13:07:01-06:00December 4, 2019|Categories: 2019 Advent Devotions|

Arrival – Carla Aday

You often miss it while traveling through airports in large cities.  But you can still glimpse it here at our antiquated airport in Kansas City.  Because our airport gates are arranged in a circular pre-9/11 configuration, you still get to witness the moment of arrival.  A middle aged couple wearing Kansas City Read More...

2019-12-02T15:35:50-06:00December 2, 2019|Categories: 2019 Advent Devotions|
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