Genesis 9: 8-17

Never again.

Those simple words summarize God’s promise to the world. Never again will destruction and death have the final word. Never again will punishment be the last act. Never again will you be left without hope.

Of course, we know that terrible things have continued to happen since the days of Noah. Floods, earthquakes, and fires have ravaged the earth thousands of times over the course of history. Millions have seen homes wiped out, lives ruined and dreams dashed. Was the covenant real? DId God mean what God said? Can we believe in the beauty and grace of the rainbow and its promise?

These questions and more will be taken on as we make our way to Jerusalem. There, in the shadow of the cross, we will be reminded again, that even in the ugliness of death, God will not abandon, God will not forget, God will not destroy.

The journey is long but the end is life.

Prayer: Wondrous God, Give us hope on this journey called life. Give us strength. Give us love.


Dr. Glen Miles
Senior Minister