Traveling is hard for me, as I tend to procrastinate. Or, more precisely, because I try to get too many things done in too short an amount of time.

It’s a personality trait that I have consciously tried to combat over the years, but somehow with this particular mission trip, I found myself staring at an empty suitcase, still needing to shower and dress, with only an hour before I needed to wake my son Zachary up and have him drive me to the airport.  

But what is one to do? The true measure of a man is how he faces adversity.  Plus, I had just read a very moving e-mail from pastor Gordon telling me that I was in his prayers.  So, I gamely unzipped my suitcase and threw in approximately ten days worth of clothes.  Which, unfortunately, didn’t fit. (I have only one suitcase because Carla has already given me another suitcase, about the size of a small doghouse, and apparently full of toothpaste, for my other checked bag.)

So, deciding that I would probably be able to hand wash T-shirts and various other clothing item while in Nicaragua, I removed about a third of my clothing. In their place, I threw in a string for a clothesline to hang my clothes while they dry. Good! Everything fits now.

As an aside, before you decide that I am completely irresponsible and probably not the best person to be writing this blog, I will say in my defense that this is my fourth mission trip and I did have some idea about what to pack. Basically,  a lot of grungy work clothes. Make sure to bring your workboots! And then one nice shirt in case you have the energy and opportunity to go out the last night. (I try to be optimistic about that, even though I have never actually had the energy to do so on previous trips.)

So, I was very pleased to arrive at the airport only 10 minutes late. I was the last person in our group to turn up; however, no one seem to mind, as they were still checking in baggage and getting organized. It was great to see some familiar faces from previous trips – Lance, Carty, Sue Remple, and to get introduced to a few others.  

Well, that’s all for now – more, hopefully, after we land in Managua.

-Eric Ziegenhorn
