Country Club Christian Church

Fall Pathways to Learning Schedule

Pathways to Learning is a series of elective offerings open to everyone, focusing upon timely topics on the Bible, spirituality, current events, family life and technology. Ideal for those who aren’t involved in a Sunday School class; entire Sunday School classes also encouraged to participate as a group. Visitors and guests welcome. Read More...

2016-09-26T10:08:56-05:00September 26, 2016|Categories: Adult-ministry|Tags: |

Everybody Hurts Sometimes: Pathways to Learning

We all experience pain in our lives – physical, emotional, mental. Sometimes it feels excruciating, but most often, we deal with more “ordinary” pain – hurt feelings, a cold, feeling lonely. We’ll explore the realities of pain in our culture, and learn about how we can work through our pain and be a healing and helpful presence for others.

2016-04-05T15:15:05-05:00April 5, 2016|Categories: Adult-ministry|Tags: |
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