By Rachel Clement, Director of Finance
Legacy of Love! What stands out to me when I think of this year’s stewardship theme is this line in the campaign brochure “With this legacy, lives are transformed, relationships born, forgiveness is received and joy multiplies to change the world.” I don’t always get to see your work in person, but I feel it every time I write a check for the Virginia Reed food drive and know that you are changing lives by these gifts of food. Or when it is time to distribute the Christmas and Easter offerings. Lives are transformed! But I can also feel the love in your everyday giving; the giving that is the life of this church; the giving that makes programs happen and keeps this building open for the community.
Your response to this year’s Stewardship Campaign has been amazing. We currently have almost 40 new families pledging this year. Over 100 giving units have increased their pledge. That’s almost half of you that have turned in your pledge cards! Givers on all levels are increasing. Almost half of these increases are over the suggested 10 percent. Thank you!
If you haven’t participated in this year’s campaign yet, it’s not too late. You can fill out a pledge card any Sunday, or you can simply email your pledge to me at [email protected]. Everyone’s personal story is different, and the decision on how much to give is a personal one. But your gifts matter, no matter the amount.
And I want to remind you that there are many ways to make your monthly or annual gifts. We offer electronic giving via your checking account or credit card. Many members gift stock to the church. Of course we always accept your cash or check. If you would like to discuss your pledge or giving, please contact me. My office hours are Monday (8:30-4:30), Tuesday and Thursday (8:30-2:30). Even if you don’t have a question or concern, pop in and say hi so I can put a face with a name.
Thank you for all your thoughtful and generous support of your church.