Thank you for helping us gather the prayers of our members and visitors for our Centennial Service of Prayer on April 11 at 7:00 p.m.
During our worship services onSunday, April 4, our Senior Minister Rev. Carla Aday will announce the Centennial Service of Prayer and that you will be making calls to our members and visitors. They will be expecting your call sometime between April 6-8. You should have received an email with a list of members and visitors to call. Instructions for your calls, a sample script, a brief training video, and the Centennial Gifts Prayer Card are below in the Resources section of this page. A link to the easy to use on-line reporting form can be found in the Reporting Your Calls section below.
If you did not receive your email or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Joe Walker at [email protected] or voice or text 816-853-5875.
We are grateful for the gift of your time in this ministry as we look forward to The Next 100.
Reporting your calls:
At the conclusion of each call click here to complete our new, easy, on-line report form.
- There is space to share their joys or prayer concerns.
- There is space to record any other comments the member or visitor makes. Your report helps us better understand the needs of our members and visitors.
- If you do not have internet access we will make an arrangement to receive your report.
Centennial Prayer Call Resources
Questions? If you did not receive your list or other resources or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Joe Walker, phone 816-381-9249, or text 816-853-5875, anytime.
Reflecting on your calls
We look forward to hearing what you are hearing. We know many people are watching and loving the live-stream Sunday worship. Many of our ministries, classes, and groups have been meeting on-line, in the tent, or on driveways or in backyards. Our email newsletter, Facebook and Instagram pages, and website are successfully communicating our activities and updates. Our Daily Prayer Line 816-333-4920 allows those who do not have internet access to hear a prayer and leave intentions using just their telephone.
Many of our senior members live under tight restrictions in their community or are sheltering in their home. Generally speaking, they may be eager to talk and learn of opportunities to pray and serve remotely. On the other hand, we have many families who work and have school-age children. Classes and extracurricular activities may be in-person or on-line but either way, things are especially hectic for parents and guardians now. They may have limited time and energy – a reality to which we are very sensitive.
You may also encounter a member or visitor who is not quite so in touch with our church since the pandemic began. Your call is helping to deepen and strengthen our relationship – a blessing for them and for us. Thank you for your time, your compassion, and your faithful service.
“One day Jesus called together his twelve apostles… Then he sent them away to tell everyone about the coming of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” (Luke 9:1-2)