April 17, 24, and May 1, 7 – 8pm, Youth Room
A pandemic, politics, personal matters, and more— our world has changed over the last few years. What does this mean for us as people of faith and as a church community? This series invites participants to think about our new world as leaders from three local faith communities share stories and ideas from their contexts. As we learn about how other people and churches are adapting to our changing world, we will learn new ways to embody God’s whole-making love individually and together. This class will meet in-person with a recording available afterwards on our YouTube. Guest speakers will include:
- Week 1 (April 17): Rev. Dr. Letiah Fraser, pastor of The Open Table, will share about leading a young dinner church and what it means to be a diverse community of liberation and healing.
- Week 2 (April 24): Rev. Shanna Steitz, senior minister at Community Christian Church, and associate Rev. Suzanne Motter will share about Community’s partnership with another local Disciples of Christ church to transform into one community across two campuses.
- Week 3 (May 1): Rev. Jose Martinez, the Kansas City-based Transitional Minister of New Church Strategies, will share about his work with new Disciples of Christ churches across the country.