How would you finish that sentence? Please email me or text me (816-381-9253) with your completion to that sentence.

Here are a few from where I sit…

Now more than ever, I am enjoying sitting down to dinner with my husband every night and savoring a home cooked meal.

Now more than ever I am enjoying the flowers and the birds.

Now more than ever I am grateful for young adults in the church who are reaching out to deliver groceries to some of our senior adults in the church.

Now more than ever the people who run the cash register at Price Chopper, stock shelves at Target, sweep the floors in hospital corridors are catching my attention as people who work hard, dedicate themselves to serving the common good and often make far too little money for their labors.

Now more than ever I am realizing the profound need we have to sit next to other human beings in the flesh to weep at a funeral, rejoice at a wedding or reset our spiritual compass for the week ahead.

Now more than ever I worry about where the beggar on the corner will spend this night to rest.

Now more than ever, I am convinced that “getting back to normal” is not our goal but being transformed by the love of Christ can make us an even better human community on the earth.

Now more than ever I am grateful for the talented and resilient men and women who serve on our church staff as they conduct Zoom Story and Song hour for children, set up a daily prayer ministry, edit the live stream worship, redesign the newsletter, make our building safe for future on site ministry.

Now more than ever, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of you – sending in extra money for special projects, creating a fund for COVID relief for individuals, pre-paying your pledge or increasing it, continuing your regular plate offering via mail, and beginning a new habit of giving online or via text.

Now more than ever, I am impressed with our church board, meeting for two called meetings and three regular meetings over a three month period so that they can care for this portion of the body of Christ they have been entrusted to lead.

Now more than ever, I am humbled to be your pastor, and am trusting that the God who gave us birth and breathed holy breath into us will empower us to serve and love in the days ahead.

Grace and Peace,
