I am excited about 2018. My baby, God willing, will graduate from college. Our clergy positions at the church will finally be all filled. The church board is moving forward with a solid vision for reaching out to our community. What are you hoping for in 2018?
Marsh Sinetar writes:
To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it means that once we know we must seek it. It also means that without it life will be valueless. More than just a few find their most valued selves despite the risk, although the majority seem to be. . . . people who don’t wish to make any trouble—not even the kind that’s expected. The majority shrewdly stay dull to what in them is life and has meaning. A few brave souls, however, do look within and are so moved by what they find that they sacrifice, from then on, whatever is necessary to bring that self into being.
-Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics
In chatting with some of our members who are in their early 20s, I have discovered that even they long for the courage to go against the grain and build a more authentic life. We are tempted to just go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing. But that leaves us feeling hollow inside, or not even feeling as if we have an inside.
As I re-read the gospel stories about the birth of Jesus this year, I realized that the good news was announced to groups of people: the shepherds, the magi. This reminded me of the power of community in shaping faith. God’s light dawns upon us when we gather in worship, or small groups, or on service teams, or even when friends speak honestly to each other about ultimate concerns. God comes not just to us, but in the spaces between us. Together we find courage to look within and become who God calls us to be.
I challenge you to take a risk in 2018. Be brave. Standing together. I have a hunch, we could be amazed at the holy energy arising in our midst.
With grace and peace,