A year ago this week, I was buying a new suit to interview for the position of Senior Minister at the church where I had spent most of my adult life. (In case I needed new clothes to impress you!) My stomach was in knots. I was hopeful and excited. I still feel butterflies as I remember the night the board voted to call me. I was pinching myself and my heart was pounding in my throat!
It has been a whirlwind of a year. After the initial flurry of notes and hugs, we jumped into action. Since I was vacating the position I had held, we needed to “back fill” me before I could begin the new role. (Yes we actually do work here all week, not just on Sundays). After that, we still needed to fill open positions in Mission and Children/Family/Youth. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of the staff team that we have built. The Personnel Committee and Congregational Board worked tirelessly with me to find the best of the best to serve us in this new chapter. I know you are thrilled too.
Last September we celebrated “installation” which will remain one of the highlights of my life. I was profoundly moved by the colleagues and friends who traveled from afar to participate and by the congregation’s collective praise of God as we joined hands and hearts to follow Jesus into the future. The cards you sent me sit under my desk in a beautiful box as a constant reminder that I do not serve alone but with you as together we seek to hear God’s voice and courageously act out God’s radical love.
The biggest change for me has been the “weekly” preaching. Last summer while I was on study leave, I texted my husband to alert him that “there is a Sunday every week.” Listening for God through scripture, current events, art, friends, poses a constant challenge but a welcome one. It keeps me awake. Not physically, but spiritually. I seek to speak not my words but words that echo the wisdom of the holy one, a humbling task.
I am thrilled about what is bubbling now in committees. That includes: new ideas about worship, our upcoming 100th anniversary, a renovated youth center and new youth pastor to expand our ministry with teenagers, growing partnerships in Northeast KC, a new transportation strategy to bring older adults to church. In so many ways, we are preparing to welcome our next 500 members. We are creatively reaching out to those who hunger for community and meaning in a world that is increasingly spiritual but not religious. God expects nothing less of us.
Thank you for the privilege of serving here. I treasure it daily. I am honored to serve in God’s name. And I deeply value and respect you, both as individuals, and as a community
of faith.
Grace and peace,