Multiplying Gratitude
A few years ago in November, a dear friend of mine sent me a list of 100 things she was grateful for and asked me if I might want to make a list for myself. 100 is a lot.
A few years ago in November, a dear friend of mine sent me a list of 100 things she was grateful for and asked me if I might want to make a list for myself. 100 is a lot.
I love that we are a purple church. Because it means that I have developed deep and meaningful relationships with Christians who are kind, faithful, generous, compassionate, and extraordinarily loving.
“More than God is a strategic intervener, he is a teacher. More than he does our will, he teaches us how to do his. Life is God’s call to responsibility”. - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, To Heal a Fractured World
On Saturday, Oct. 26, with amazingly perfect weather, members and guests gathered in the Chapel parking lot and Centennial Park for Trunk or Treat.
Barbara Brown Taylor was once asked to speak at a church conference. “What topic would you like me to speak about?” The minister in charge said, “Come and speak about what is saving your life right now.”
“The world is going to hell in a handbasket.” At least that’s what I heard her say in my cramped kitchen. A close friend, of the Boomer generation, recently expressed: “I’m afraid my grandkids will not grow up in the same world I grew up in.”
The list of worries is long. The surgeon general has recently released a report about the stress of parenting. But the kids are also anxious as they race from soccer to band.
We were in cell phone contact with our friends who live in the direct path of Hurricane Helene on the Florida coast. They sustained significant losses to their property.
I listened to the podcast “Everything Happens” with Kate Bowler. Her guest was a former professor of mine, Dr. Richard Hayes.
Dress your little ghoul or goblin in their Halloween costume for a fun alternative to trick or treating! You are invited to "Trunk or Treat" on Saturday, October 26 from 2:30 - 4:30pm. Decorated trunks with treats will be in the Chapel parking lot. In Centennial Park there will be a bounce Read More...
Have you felt the arrival of the new season? Everyone is wearing red and talking about Mahomes, Kelce and Swift.
“If the only prayer you ever say in your life is Thank You, it will be enough,” said Meister Eckhart. Today I rejoice and thank God for creating and recreating a magnificent faith community that sits on the corner of 61st and Ward Parkway and extends grace around the city and justice around the globe.
When I married Dave 31 years ago, I inherited a unique extended family. In my own family there were cousins I barely knew and uncles you didn’t talk about without upsetting everyone.
For a long time, I believed that one of the joyful realities of the Christian life is that we are transformed. The word for transformation in Greek is “Metamorphosis”.
I’ve spent too much time this week thinking about bats. How can a little creature that weighs a half-ounce monopolize my time and discombobulate me so successfully?