Country Club Christian Church

Celebrating Our Centennial

Starting in fall 2020, Country Club Christian Church will begin a year-long celebration of 100 years of ministry in Kansas City. Mark your calendar for these Centennial events, and watch for more information about other celebrations throughout the year. Centennial Kick-Off Sunday October 4, 2020 One service only at 10:00 a.m., followed Read More...

2021-01-21T10:31:34-06:00January 4, 2021|Categories: Adult-ministry, Connect, Special Events|

FaithPub for Fall 2020

Hosted by Dr. Mike Graves, this popular men’s group meets for conversation on a host of spiritual topics, with a guest speaker each session. During the COVID-19 pandemic we will meet under the tent in the church back yard from 6:30-8:00 p.m. September 24, with guest speaker Max Deweese October 22, with guest Read More...

2020-08-17T14:01:34-05:00August 16, 2020|Categories: Adult-ministry, Bible Study, Connect|

Parenting College Students

Thursday, August 13, 7:00-8:00 p.m. The college and young adult years are always filled with transitions that families have to negotiate, but this year we have the added stress of a pandemic and economic depression. Parents of college students are invited to a conversation to share joys, concerns, observations, and questions in Read More...

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